Friday, 14 March 2014

Not all likes are created equal, and some are more equal than others

In this great time of social media, the one thing that I believe equalizes others, is the "like" button on Facebook.

Show someone a cute picture of a cat looking stupidly out a window -- "like".

Stating that you just graduated from college and are ready to take on the world -- "like".

Posting that your pet was just run over by a motorist and that you need the plate number searched for -- "like".

People seem to think that "liking" something means anything from really liking it to "I totally abhor what happened but I can't really be bothered to comment on it so here's a sympathetic click on your post".

I do believe that has a lot to do with our need to be acknowledged and people just extrapolate this into the ether and social space.

It is funny though, that some of us still clinging to the dictionary definition of "like" seem to be **misusing** it in their eyes.

You know it's evil likeness compels you to click, go ahead....

verb: like; 3rd person present: likes; past tense: liked; past participle: liked; gerund or present participle: liking
  1. 1.
    find agreeable, enjoyable, or satisfactory.
    "I like all Angela Carter's stories"
    synonyms:be fond of, be attached to, have a soft spot for, have a liking for, have regard for, think well of, admirerespectesteemMore

    • indicate one's liking or approval of (a web page or posting on a social networking website) by using the site's ‘like’ facility.
      "more than 15,000 Facebook users had liked his page by Monday morning"
  2. 2.
    wish for; want.
    "would you like a cup of coffee?"
    synonyms:choosepleasewishwant, see fit, think fit, care to, will More
    • used as a polite formula.
      "we would like to apologize for the late running of this service"
    • feel reluctant to do something.
      "I don't like leaving her on her own too long"
    • choose to have (something); prefer.
      "how do you like your coffee?"
      synonyms:choosepleasewishwant, see fit, think fit, care to, will More
    • feel about or regard (something).
      "how would you like it if it happened to you?"
      synonyms:feel about, regard, think about, consider More

I want to be able to tell people "I really like this bar" not "I feel that this place is agreeable and probably will keep looking into updates from its site for no reason whatsoever".

I like Ice cream, but I don't believe I need to tell Facebook and the world that, so that they can cater ice cream ads for me (while fun, a lot of these I can't get at my location).  I like BMW, but I honestly don't care about their Facebook presence, and honestly if you believe that BMW will give a 5 series away for liking and sharing a picture, well, I have a bridge I want to sell to you...

Liking something should be a gut feeling, not a reflex.  I like certain people while I find others invariably dull.

Admit it, he's quite the bad-ass
While I'll gladly follow Neil deGrasse Tyson on Facebook, and I LIKE his science communicator status, I don't like him as a person.  I don't KNOW him so I can't really say I like him.  I find him funny, I find him engaging, I find him a fountain of knowledge that I look up to and respect, and yet, I can't say I like him, because I don't have a personal bond with him in any way.

The same way I will NOT accept invitations to be "friends" with people I met once, at a party, through a friend, while inebriated; I will not just "like something" you send my way unless, I really DO genuinely like it.

If, what you want is my >click< so that your new page becomes synthetically popular, do feel free to let me know, as if this is an endeavor that your heart honestly desires, I'll gladly show my support for in some way, probably by sharing the page with others and TELLING them this is something you really feel strongly about, and how it could potentially enrich their lives >because reasons<.

But, I will not just blindly like it.

Thursday, 13 March 2014

Descent into Memories and expectations of future past...

I've steered cleared from blogging for a while, as much as I enjoy setting thoughts, ideas, probable "thought universes" and stories in writing, it seems I also enjoy using a journal (paper, pen, and pencil drawings) quite a deal more.

It is obviously a different audience, a Blog, even one as seldom visited as this one, is inherently public to the "internet", my journal, unless peeked upon is quite more private.

And Private thoughts is what I have been setting on it's pages lately.  A good friend of mine recommended it as a therapeutic tool to deal with Grief, and I felt that, I would do as he said, but Blogging.

Piglet helps the writing process. Don't knock it.
If you've never really done a Journal, let me tell you, it's really almost totally unlike blogging; or at least to me it was.

The way I uses it, is as IF I am telling myself things through letters, or, recounting the main highlights of the day, opinion pieces (like I've had a few here) are seldom written there.

It's a more raw approach to "me".

But, that's hardly here or there, the reason I came back today, was that I actually was going to come back a week ago, but still didn't have my thoughts properly aligned.

A week ago today, it was the one year anniversary of the last day I spent with my mom.

Pretty heavy.

About a week ago, Driving down to my Aunt's
You know when people are sympathetic to you because they feel that the one year anniversary of someone's death is really hard on you?

Well, in my case, the hardest part was remembering the last day we held each other, we said our good nights and we were able to share our daily toil and troubles.

The fact that she passed away in the middle of the night with me by her side, is probably the cause of this, but; having her anniversary come up, was the tip of the iceberg when compared to "the last time we were able to talk".

That's the anniversary that will haunt me.

So, with that in mind, I had made the decision that while memory is fleeting and, considering the history of possible memory deterioration in my family, I'd go for a very permanent reminder, and memorial art.

I went ahead and got a tattoo.

Dun dun duuuuun....

It's important to me, as while I love the art form, I had NOTHING so far that I felt merited the breaking of the skin, sure, lots of important things have happened in my life over the years, but one as determining and final as this one.

It's a work in progress so far, and the idea is to build on it as more things happen, to me and my family.

I went for a Polynesian style tattoo, done by a very talented local artist, the way we went about it, was that I told him everything, my story, my mom's story, the type of mother/son relationship we had, and he sat down and used pictographs to convey the meaning that I wanted.

I love it, I will probably do a piece (writing) of ONLY this process as I seriously felt it was therapeutic and grand.

So, that's the new story, that's the message.

I still miss my mother a lot, but she's never stopped being a part of my life and if this post came in a week late, it was mostly due to the fact that yes, I just couldn't put everything into the right words.

"I look at you all see the love there that's sleeping
While my guitar gently weeps
Look at you all

Still my guitar gently weeps"